1-Color red to green top left 2-Doll is missing its staff 3-Lamp at the bottom of midnight panther is missing 4-Diamond at the center of room changed from pink to purple 5-Top room floor extends to the outside 6-Rose on top of bunny splippers changed color from yellow to pink 7-Divine Angels shoe color changed from purple to light blue 8-Top room doortop sign missing 9-Bear dolls eyes changed from green to purple 10-Christmast tree missing branches bottom left close to the wall
1. The color of the lamp green/red 2. The ferumbras doll staff 3. The white carpet on the main door 4. Main door frame missing the thing on top 5. Bear doll eye color 6. Divines shoe color 7. The color of the rose white/pink 8. The leaves missing where the pink tapestry (south west) 9. Color of the carpet next to the yellow rose 10. Lamp on the wall missing next to the the door in the bottom room
1) Divine'Angel's Shoes, 2) Bear Doll Eyes, 3) Flower on top of bunny slippers, 4) Diamond carpet, 5) Devourer core top left, 6)White Carpet in the doorway to the northwest, 7)Wall lamp next to bottom right doorframe, 8) Sign over top left doorframe, 9) Ferumbras Doll Staff, 10)Tree bottom left side - Character Libi
Llama Llama - 1) Tree Bottom left 2) Bear Doll Eyes 3) Flower on top of bunny slippers 4) Diamond carpet 5) Devourer core top left 6)Wall lamp bottom right doorframe 7) Sign over top left door 8) white carpet in doorway 9) Ferumbras Doll Staff 10)Players shoes
1. bear doll eyes 2. tree bottom left 3. Ferumbras doll staff 4. Divine Shoes 5. Devourer core top left 6. Wall lamp bottom right door 7. diamond carpet 8. white carpet in doorway 9. Flower on Bunny Slippers 10. Sign top left door Tilo Khalex
1) bear doll eyes 2) tree bottom left 3) Ferumbras doll staff 4) Divine's Shoes 5) Devourer core top left 6)Wall lamp bottom right doorframe 7) Sign over top left door 8) white carpet in doorway 9) Flower on Bunny Slippers 10) Diamond Carpet
Character: Arcai 1. Carpet in doorway to the top left 2. Staff on Ferumbras Doll 3. Divine' Angel's shoe color 4. Teddy Bear Doll eye color 5. Lamp on wall in the bottom right 6. Diamond carpet color 7. Leaves on tree to the bottom left 8. White rose color to pink 9. Sign over doorway on the top left 10. Red/Green devourer core
Name Char: Hinata Hyuga Byakugan Respuesta: 1- Burnt out devourer core ( uno es rojo y otro verde ) 2- le falta el staff al ferumbras doll 3- el Bear Doll tiene ojos de distinto color 4- el color de los zapatos de divine'angel son diferentes 5- white fue carpeta del lado derecho sobresale de la puerta 6- Diamond carpet diferente color 7- del lado derecho falta la wall lamp 8- la white silk flower de diferente color 9- falta una rama verde del árbol abajo a la izquierda de la foto de la derecha 10- en la foto del lado derecho falta el papel que va arriba en el marco de la puerta
Name Char: Kathryna Respuestas: 1- al ferumbras doll le falta el staff 2- el Bear Doll tiene ojos diferentes 3- los zapatos de divine'angel son diferentes colores 4- falta el papel que va arriba en el marco de la puerta 5- la white fur carpet sobresale de la puerta 6- Diamond carpet de diferentes colores 7- en el árbol de abajo en la foto del lado derecho le falta una rama verde 8- falta una wall lamp 9- white silk flower de diferente color 10- Burt out devourer core uno es rojo y otro es verde
Name Char:Yadismar Respuestas: 1- al ferumbras doll le falta el staff 2- el Bear Doll tiene ojos diferentes 3- los zapatos de divine'angel son diferentes colores 4- falta el papel que va arriba en el marco de la puerta 5- la white fur carpet sobresale de la puerta 6- Diamond carpet de diferentes colores 7- en el árbol de abajo en la foto del lado derecho le falta una rama verde 8- falta una wall lamp 9- white silk flower de diferente color 10- Burt out devourer core uno es rojo y otro es verde
Name Char: Yauraill Maleld Respuestas: 1- al ferumbras doll le falta el staff 2- el Bear Doll tiene ojos diferentes 3- los zapatos de divine'angel son diferentes colores 4- falta el papel que va arriba en el marco de la puerta 5- la white fur carpet sobresale de la puerta 6- Diamond carpet de diferentes colores 7- en el árbol de abajo en la foto del lado derecho le falta una rama verde 8- falta una wall lamp 9- white silk flower de diferente color 10- Burt out devourer core uno es rojo y otro es verde
Character: Zari Alnia Answers: 1) Devourer core green (left) & red (right) 2) Doll- Ferumbras staff (left) & no staff (right) 3) Plaque above the door (left) & no plaque (right) 4) No carpet in doorway (left) & carpet in doorway (right) 5) Character has white shoes (left) & mint colored shoes (right) 6) White flower on bunny slippers (left) & pink flower (right) 7) Diamond carpet pink (left) & diamond carpet purple (right) 8) Normal leaves on the plant (left) & squished leaves (right) 9) Bear doll has green eyes (left) & bear doll has white eyes (right) 10) Wall lamp (left) & no wall lamp (right)
Name Char: Thardorine Zhan Respuesta: 1) al ferumbras doll le falta el staff 2) white silk flower de diferente color 3) Bear Doll tiene ojos de distinto color 4) en el marco de la puerta le falta un papel 5) Diamond carpet de diferente color 6) al árbol de abajo le falta una rama verde 7) le falta una wall lamp 8) los zapatos de divine'angel son diferentes colores 9) white fur carpet sobresale de la puerta 10) Burt out devouver core de diferente color
Name Char: Odrarcus Niel Respuesta: 1) al ferumbras doll le falta el staff 2) white silk flower de diferente color 3) Bear Doll tiene ojos de distinto color 4) en el marco de la puerta le falta un papel 5) Diamond carpet de diferente color 6) al árbol de abajo le falta una rama verde 7) le falta una wall lamp 8) los zapatos de divine'angel son diferentes colores 9) white fur carpet sobresale de la puerta 10) Burt out devouver core de diferente color
OMG, OK so, I didn't really think the weird circle was one, so I kept looking and asking friends xD I feel so blind omg hahaha :X *10. missing sign on the door frame
1 devorer core is green 2 ferumbras staff is missing 3 carpet on the door 4 box above door 5 eyes on bear are blue 6 shoes are green 7 flower is red 8 carpet is blue 9 missing plants 10 missing wall lamp
1. The Devourer Core 2. The staff of the Ferumbras Doll 3. The little sign above the door 4. The White Fur Carpet under the door 5. The eye color of the Bear Doll 6. The color of Divine'Angel shoes 7. The color of the White Silk Flower 8. The color of the Diamond Carpet 9. The leaves of the Pink Roses 10. The Wall Lamp
1. The Devourer Core (normal and burnt) 2. The staff of the Ferumbras Doll (there and not there) 3. The sign above the door 4. The White Fur Carpet underneath the door 5. The eyes of the Bear Doll (color) 6. The shoes of Divine Angel (color) 7. The White Silk Flower (color) 8. The Diamond Carpet (color) 9. The leaves of the Pink Roses (missing a bit) 10. The Wall Lamp (lit and unlit)
1. Devourer core 2. Staff of the ferumbras doll 3. Sign above the door 4. White carpet under the door 5. Eye color of bear doll 6. Shoe color of divine angel 7. Color of white silk flower 8. Color of the diamond carpet 9. Leaves of the pink roses 10. Wall lamp
1. Color Devourer Core 2. rod of ferrumbras doll 3. sign on the first door 4. no carpet on the floor 5. bear doll eyes 6. Divine Angel Shoes 7.color of white silk flower 8. pink flower leaves 9. color of diamond carpet 10. wall lamp on the second door
Character: Tiger Backwoods 1. Leaves on rosebush to the bottom left 2. Ferumbras Doll staff 3. Top left carpet in doorway 4. Lamp on wall (bottom right) 5. White rose colour to pink 6. Sign over doorway on the top left 7. Red/Green devourer core 8. Divine' Angel's shoe color 9. Diamond carpet color 10. Teddy Bear Doll's eye color
1.- The color of Diamond Carpet 2.- The white silk flower is pink 3.- The color of shoes 4.- the white fur carpet of the entrance 5.- The label of the entrance door 6.- The burnt out devourer core 7. staff of ferumbras doll 8. color of eyes of the bear doll 9. The wall lamp of the room of below 10. yellow rose -Sapo Dungeon
1.- The color of Diamond Carpet 2.- The white silk flower is pink 3.- The color of shoes 4.- the white fur carpet of the entrance 5.- The label of the entrance door 6.- The burnt out devourer core 7. staff of ferumbras doll 8. color of eyes of the bear doll 9. The wall lamp of the room of below 10. color of the yellow rose -Tanabata
1.- The color of Diamond Carpet 2.- The white silk flower is pink 3.- The color of shoes 4.- the white fur carpet of the entrance 5.- The label of the entrance door 6.- The burnt out devourer core 7. staff of ferumbras doll 8. color of eyes of the bear doll 9. The wall lamp of the room of below 10. color of the yellow rose -Bara de Pan
Correction 1.- The color of Diamond Carpet 2.- The white silk flower is pink 3.- The color of shoes 4.- the white fur carpet of the entrance 5.- The label of the entrance door 6.- The burnt out devourer core 7. staff of ferumbras doll 8. color of eyes of the bear doll 9. The wall lamp of the room of below 10. missing some flowers of the Punk Roses left side of the Yellow rose* -Sapo Dungeon
Correction 1.- The color of Diamond Carpet 2.- The white silk flower is pink 3.- The color of shoes 4.- the white fur carpet of the entrance 5.- The label of the entrance door 6.- The burnt out devourer core 7. staff of ferumbras doll 8. color of eyes of the bear doll 9. The wall lamp of the room of below 10. missing some flowers of the Punk Roses left side of the Yellow rose* -Tanabata
Correction 1.- The color of Diamond Carpet 2.- The white silk flower is pink 3.- The color of shoes 4.- the white fur carpet of the entrance 5.- The label of the entrance door 6.- The burnt out devourer core 7. staff of ferumbras doll 8. color of eyes of the bear doll 9. The wall lamp of the room of below 10. missing some flowers of the Pink Roses left side of the Yellow rose* -Bara de Pan
1-Color red to green top left
ReplyDelete2-Doll is missing its staff
3-Lamp at the bottom of midnight panther is missing
4-Diamond at the center of room changed from pink to purple
5-Top room floor extends to the outside
6-Rose on top of bunny splippers changed color from yellow to pink
7-Divine Angels shoe color changed from purple to light blue
8-Top room doortop sign missing
9-Bear dolls eyes changed from green to purple
10-Christmast tree missing branches bottom left close to the wall
Esus Ang Warman
ReplyDeleteSir coor
1. The color of the lamp green/red
ReplyDelete2. The ferumbras doll staff
3. The white carpet on the main door
4. Main door frame missing the thing on top
5. Bear doll eye color
6. Divines shoe color
7. The color of the rose white/pink
8. The leaves missing where the pink tapestry (south west)
9. Color of the carpet next to the yellow rose
10. Lamp on the wall missing next to the the door in the bottom room
Sky Elie <3
Tamarizz - Solidera
ReplyDeleteViklund The One
ReplyDelete1) Divine'Angel's Shoes, 2) Bear Doll Eyes, 3) Flower on top of bunny slippers, 4) Diamond carpet, 5) Devourer core top left, 6)White Carpet in the doorway to the northwest, 7)Wall lamp next to bottom right doorframe, 8) Sign over top left doorframe, 9) Ferumbras Doll Staff, 10)Tree bottom left side - Character Libi
ReplyDeleteLlama Llama - 1) Tree Bottom left 2) Bear Doll Eyes 3) Flower on top of bunny slippers 4) Diamond carpet 5) Devourer core top left 6)Wall lamp bottom right doorframe 7) Sign over top left door 8) white carpet in doorway 9) Ferumbras Doll Staff 10)Players shoes
ReplyDeletebomdrax (yonabra)
1. bear doll eyes 2. tree bottom left 3. Ferumbras doll staff 4. Divine Shoes 5. Devourer core top left 6. Wall lamp bottom right door 7. diamond carpet 8. white carpet in doorway 9. Flower on Bunny Slippers 10. Sign top left door Tilo Khalex
ReplyDelete1) bear doll eyes 2) tree bottom left 3) Ferumbras doll staff 4) Divine's Shoes 5) Devourer core top left 6)Wall lamp bottom right doorframe 7) Sign over top left door 8) white carpet in doorway 9) Flower on Bunny Slippers 10) Diamond Carpet
ReplyDelete1- Burnt out devourer core / Devourer Core
ReplyDelete2- Ferumbras Doll
3- Label above door missing
4- White fur carpet where is the door
5- Bear Doll (eyes)
6- Shoes Divine Angel
7- White Silk Flower
8- Diamond Carpet
9- Wall Lamp
10- Pink Roses
Character: Mi Shadday
Character: Arcai
ReplyDelete1. Carpet in doorway to the top left
2. Staff on Ferumbras Doll
3. Divine' Angel's shoe color
4. Teddy Bear Doll eye color
5. Lamp on wall in the bottom right
6. Diamond carpet color
7. Leaves on tree to the bottom left
8. White rose color to pink
9. Sign over doorway on the top left
10. Red/Green devourer core
ReplyDeleteCharacter Name: Dyaniixz
ReplyDeleteCharacter Name: Dyaniixz
ReplyDeleteCharacter Name: Dyaniixz
1 Bear Doll (eyes)
ReplyDelete2 Pink Rose
3 Burnt Out Devourer Core
4 Ferumbras Doll
5 Divine Angel (Shoes)
6 Diamond Carpet
7 Lit Wall Lamp
8 Winter fur carpet (door)
9 Label in the door
10 White Silk Flower
Char: Baby Valen
Nick: Eriica Sar
Name Char: Hinata Hyuga Byakugan
1- Burnt out devourer core ( uno es rojo y otro verde )
2- le falta el staff al ferumbras doll
3- el Bear Doll tiene ojos de distinto color
4- el color de los zapatos de divine'angel son diferentes
5- white fue carpeta del lado derecho sobresale de la puerta
6- Diamond carpet diferente color
7- del lado derecho falta la wall lamp
8- la white silk flower de diferente color
9- falta una rama verde del árbol abajo a la izquierda de la foto de la derecha
10- en la foto del lado derecho falta el papel que va arriba en el marco de la puerta
Name Char: Kathryna
1- al ferumbras doll le falta el staff
2- el Bear Doll tiene ojos diferentes
3- los zapatos de divine'angel son diferentes colores
4- falta el papel que va arriba en el marco de la puerta
5- la white fur carpet sobresale de la puerta
6- Diamond carpet de diferentes colores
7- en el árbol de abajo en la foto del lado derecho le falta una rama verde
8- falta una wall lamp
9- white silk flower de diferente color
10- Burt out devourer core uno es rojo y otro es verde
Name Char:Yadismar
1- al ferumbras doll le falta el staff
2- el Bear Doll tiene ojos diferentes
3- los zapatos de divine'angel son diferentes colores
4- falta el papel que va arriba en el marco de la puerta
5- la white fur carpet sobresale de la puerta
6- Diamond carpet de diferentes colores
7- en el árbol de abajo en la foto del lado derecho le falta una rama verde
8- falta una wall lamp
9- white silk flower de diferente color
10- Burt out devourer core uno es rojo y otro es verde
Name Char: Yauraill Maleld
1- al ferumbras doll le falta el staff
2- el Bear Doll tiene ojos diferentes
3- los zapatos de divine'angel son diferentes colores
4- falta el papel que va arriba en el marco de la puerta
5- la white fur carpet sobresale de la puerta
6- Diamond carpet de diferentes colores
7- en el árbol de abajo en la foto del lado derecho le falta una rama verde
8- falta una wall lamp
9- white silk flower de diferente color
10- Burt out devourer core uno es rojo y otro es verde
Character: Zari Alnia
1) Devourer core green (left) & red (right)
2) Doll- Ferumbras staff (left) & no staff (right)
3) Plaque above the door (left) & no plaque (right)
4) No carpet in doorway (left) & carpet in doorway (right)
5) Character has white shoes (left) & mint colored shoes (right)
6) White flower on bunny slippers (left) & pink flower (right)
7) Diamond carpet pink (left) & diamond carpet purple (right)
8) Normal leaves on the plant (left) & squished leaves (right)
9) Bear doll has green eyes (left) & bear doll has white eyes (right)
10) Wall lamp (left) & no wall lamp (right)
Name Char: Thardorine Zhan
1) al ferumbras doll le falta el staff
2) white silk flower de diferente color
3) Bear Doll tiene ojos de distinto color
4) en el marco de la puerta le falta un papel
5) Diamond carpet de diferente color
6) al árbol de abajo le falta una rama verde
7) le falta una wall lamp
8) los zapatos de divine'angel son diferentes colores
9) white fur carpet sobresale de la puerta
10) Burt out devouver core de diferente color
Name Char: Odrarcus Niel
1) al ferumbras doll le falta el staff
2) white silk flower de diferente color
3) Bear Doll tiene ojos de distinto color
4) en el marco de la puerta le falta un papel
5) Diamond carpet de diferente color
6) al árbol de abajo le falta una rama verde
7) le falta una wall lamp
8) los zapatos de divine'angel son diferentes colores
9) white fur carpet sobresale de la puerta
10) Burt out devouver core de diferente color
1. devourer core (one is burnt out)
ReplyDelete2. ferumbras doll (missing staff)
3. silk flower (different colours)
4. diamond carpet (different colours)
5. missing carpet at the door
6. Divine'Angels' shoes (different colours)
7. bear doll's eyes (different colours)
8. pink roses (missing leaves)
9. missing wall lamp
10. weird circle on left image (that's it right? HAHAHA)
Paula Ines (Gladera)
OMG, OK so, I didn't really think the weird circle was one, so I kept looking and asking friends xD I feel so blind omg hahaha :X
ReplyDelete*10. missing sign on the door frame
ReplyDeletecharacter name: pablo reformed
ReplyDeletecharacter name: pablo reformed
ReplyDeleteDaso II
1 devorer core is green
2 ferumbras staff is missing
3 carpet on the door
4 box above door
5 eyes on bear are blue
6 shoes are green
7 flower is red
8 carpet is blue
9 missing plants
10 missing wall lamp
1. The Devourer Core
ReplyDelete2. The staff of the Ferumbras Doll
3. The little sign above the door
4. The White Fur Carpet under the door
5. The eye color of the Bear Doll
6. The color of Divine'Angel shoes
7. The color of the White Silk Flower
8. The color of the Diamond Carpet
9. The leaves of the Pink Roses
10. The Wall Lamp
1. The Devourer Core (normal and burnt)
ReplyDelete2. The staff of the Ferumbras Doll (there and not there)
3. The sign above the door
4. The White Fur Carpet underneath the door
5. The eyes of the Bear Doll (color)
6. The shoes of Divine Angel (color)
7. The White Silk Flower (color)
8. The Diamond Carpet (color)
9. The leaves of the Pink Roses (missing a bit)
10. The Wall Lamp (lit and unlit)
Green Khepri
1. Devourer core
ReplyDelete2. Staff of the ferumbras doll
3. Sign above the door
4. White carpet under the door
5. Eye color of bear doll
6. Shoe color of divine angel
7. Color of white silk flower
8. Color of the diamond carpet
9. Leaves of the pink roses
10. Wall lamp
Soma deux
Character: Mikhelle
1. Devourer Core
2. Ferumbras doll staff
3. Door carpet
4. Door top
5. Bear doll eyes
6. Divine shoes
7. White silk flower
8. Diamond carpet
9. Wall Lamp
10. Rose bush (store tree) top
Devourer Core, Ferumbras doll, fluffy door carpet, Door top, Bear doll eyes, Divine shoes, White silk flower, Diamond carpet, Wall Lamp, Rose bush top
ReplyDelete1. Ferumbras Staff
2. Devourer Core
3. Eyes of the bear
4. Entrance Carpet
5. Purple Carpet
6. Door frame
7. Silk Flower
8. Wall Lamp
9. Tree
10. Shoes on Divine'Angel
1. Color Devourer Core
ReplyDelete2. rod of ferrumbras doll
3. sign on the first door
4. no carpet on the floor
5. bear doll eyes
6. Divine Angel Shoes
7.color of white silk flower
8. pink flower leaves
9. color of diamond carpet
10. wall lamp on the second door
Ramona Toledo
Character: Glexzs
Character: Tiger Backwoods
ReplyDelete1. Leaves on rosebush to the bottom left
2. Ferumbras Doll staff
3. Top left carpet in doorway
4. Lamp on wall (bottom right)
5. White rose colour to pink
6. Sign over doorway on the top left
7. Red/Green devourer core
8. Divine' Angel's shoe color
9. Diamond carpet color
10. Teddy Bear Doll's eye color
ReplyDeleteAmy Meow
R: https://imgur.io/a/ncnnfNO
ReplyDeleteManny Delgado
R: https://imgur.io/a/ncnnfNO
ReplyDeleteManny Delgado
R: https://imgur.io/a/ncnnfNO
ReplyDeleteManny Delgado
Samuray de carro :)
Samuray de carro :)
Samuray de carro :)
1.- The color of Diamond Carpet
ReplyDelete2.- The white silk flower is pink
3.- The color of shoes
4.- the white fur carpet of the entrance
5.- The label of the entrance door
6.- The burnt out devourer core
7. staff of ferumbras doll
8. color of eyes of the bear doll
9. The wall lamp of the room of below
10. yellow rose
-Sapo Dungeon
1.- The color of Diamond Carpet
ReplyDelete2.- The white silk flower is pink
3.- The color of shoes
4.- the white fur carpet of the entrance
5.- The label of the entrance door
6.- The burnt out devourer core
7. staff of ferumbras doll
8. color of eyes of the bear doll
9. The wall lamp of the room of below
10. color of the yellow rose
1.- The color of Diamond Carpet
ReplyDelete2.- The white silk flower is pink
3.- The color of shoes
4.- the white fur carpet of the entrance
5.- The label of the entrance door
6.- The burnt out devourer core
7. staff of ferumbras doll
8. color of eyes of the bear doll
9. The wall lamp of the room of below
10. color of the yellow rose
-Bara de Pan
ReplyDelete1.- The color of Diamond Carpet
2.- The white silk flower is pink
3.- The color of shoes
4.- the white fur carpet of the entrance
5.- The label of the entrance door
6.- The burnt out devourer core
7. staff of ferumbras doll
8. color of eyes of the bear doll
9. The wall lamp of the room of below
10. missing some flowers of the Punk Roses left side of the Yellow rose*
-Sapo Dungeon
ReplyDelete1.- The color of Diamond Carpet
2.- The white silk flower is pink
3.- The color of shoes
4.- the white fur carpet of the entrance
5.- The label of the entrance door
6.- The burnt out devourer core
7. staff of ferumbras doll
8. color of eyes of the bear doll
9. The wall lamp of the room of below
10. missing some flowers of the Punk Roses left side of the Yellow rose*
ReplyDelete1.- The color of Diamond Carpet
2.- The white silk flower is pink
3.- The color of shoes
4.- the white fur carpet of the entrance
5.- The label of the entrance door
6.- The burnt out devourer core
7. staff of ferumbras doll
8. color of eyes of the bear doll
9. The wall lamp of the room of below
10. missing some flowers of the Pink Roses left side of the Yellow rose*
-Bara de Pan