Friday, April 1, 2022

Player of the Month #21: Barkiyo

Our player of the month for April is Barkiyo. The leader of the Loberan guild Army Airdrop streams his PvP and PG adventures on his twitch channel, where we can admire the power of 1200 EK.

Can you introduce yourself? What's your name, where are you from etc?
-My name is Diego aka Barkiyo, I’m from Mexico I’ve been playing tibia for around 15 years, I stopped playing after a couple years since the game wasn’t that much fun, but nostalgia always brings me back.

Who showed you Tibia for the first time?

-I started playing with my older brother, he showed me the game and he helped me to make a druid back in the days so I could make runes for his EK.

Do you have a player who inspires you?

-There's a couple people who inspired me in my “Tibia Career”, one of them was Sir viciony back in libera, and Lord Maspi, their way of playing the game was in a ruthless and aggressive playstyle that I try to apply into my PvP.

What was the latest goal in the game you succeeded in? 

-We got trolled on our main server “Wintera” and we decided as a team to conquer and “dominate” the people who trolled us, those people were playing in Lobera, and my personal goal was kick and show them what my team is capable of. I’m really thankful for playing with my friends and team, I wouldn’t be where I am and I wouldn’t play this game if it wasn’t with them.

Do you have a goal you want to achieve? 

-Nowadays I don’t really have a goal, but my team has one, so I will help them to achieve it.

Do you think being a leader in a guild has earned you respect from players or is something you earned before that?

-There’s a lot of people I respect in this game, and all of them are in my team and they’re not considered “Leaders”, they’re great at what they do, if its KSing, Pvping or just being annoying to the enemy team, makes me respect them for their loyalty and their grit. You cannot be called a leader if nobody is following you or respects you as a person, before being one who had a load of respect from my teammates and they decided to put me as one of their “leaders”.

X or Y

War or Dominado server?


KS or PK?


Library hunt or Soulwar hunt?


RP or EK?


Quest or Bestiary?


SSA or Might ring?


Run Roshamuul or True Asuras?

-True asuri

Speed set or Soul set?

-Speed set

Solo hunt or Party hunt?

-Party hunt ( all about friendship) 

Hunting with music or hunting talking on TS?

-I always do both, but if I had to choose talking on TS

Magic wall or Tree wall?

-Magic wall

What's the activity in Tibia you like to stream the most (war, ks, hunt.. etc)? And why?

-I love streaming anything that can be entertainment, there’s people who enjoy hunting and asking for advice, there are others who just enter when I’m streaming war, and others who love watching me troll other people. If I’m not in the mood to entertain, I think my stream will be bad.

How many wars have you participated in? And which was your favorite? 

-I participated in a couple wars, Libera was my main server and I used to play against a lot of guilds such as Nobelis and Ruff Sqwad, after that we went to play in dolera against Edkeys, and actually won the war since we didn’t like the “new” frag system they implemented back in the day, and I stopped playing and returned to play on Solera, Wintera and Lobera. My favorite war was Lobera since I was one of the main leaders and I had to put a lot of effort on it to actually make things happen.

Do you have other hobbies besides Tibia? 

-I used to train MMA (Martial Mixed Arts) but I stopped since the pandemic closed everything and never went back, and nowadays I just love to workout here and there.

Have you ever met someone from Tibia in RL, are you planning to? 

-I have met several people actually and it's been great, meeting someone in real life is way different than the “persona” you see in game or in teamspeak. I went to a wedding of one of my best friends in tibia and I enjoyed seeing a part of his real life that was/is really important for him. We are also planning a trip to the beach with a couple of others that I haven’t met and I’m pretty sure it's going to be a lot of fun.

What's the coolest thing Tibia has given you? 

-The best thing Tibia gave me is Friends, I wouldn’t be playing if Tibia didn’t have the RPG aspect of the game, I love it and I love sharing and listening to everyday stories of their lives.

Do you see yourself playing Tibia in 5 years?

-Yeah, but I will put way less hours into the game.

Define your server in 3 words 

-Dominated, Chill, Neutral-friendly

Do you have some encouraging words for the community?

-If you have a goal either in real life or in game, and you don’t see the goal near, do not give up, continue pushing even if you don’t have an idea how to get there, trust me you will see it with time. Always try your best.

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