Wednesday, October 21, 2020

TibiaGoals Riddles #22


Do you know the results?
Comment below!


  1. 1. Venore street without pothole
    2. Vengothic lamp shining
    3. Panther head without tusk
    4. Blue rose
    5. Something under the Owl
    6. The shine of the midnight panther doll
    7. The dragon throwing fire
    8. The colour of the giant amethyst
    9. Scythe
    10. Open-closed door

  2. Hello!
    1. Left outside: Divhagar's pose change (tail, wings, and something about his head)
    2. Left outside: there's a stain on the sidewalk
    3. Left up: the heart in the decor / only a white light
    4. Left up: the panther with and without teeth
    5. Right up: Something on the owl's feet
    6. Right up: the flower's color
    7. Right up: the shine on the panther
    8. Right: the door open/closed
    9. Entrance hall: the blade of that tool
    10. Middle south: the color of the crystal (pink / blue)

    char: Lagertha Lodbrucs

  3. 1. Divhagar's tail, wings, and head;
    2. Stain on the sidewalk (left up);
    3. Heart in the decor in left up;
    4. The panther with and without teeth in left up;
    5. Object on the owl's feet;
    6. The flower's color in right up;
    7. The shine on the panther's eye;
    8. Door open/closed in right
    9. Scythe's blade in entrance hall;
    10. Color of the crystal in middle south.

    Nice riddle!

    Char: Jun Of Sup.

  4. Differences on the right picture:

    1. There is a dark spot on the pavement.
    2. Frozen heart under the lamp is white.
    3. One of the panther heads doesn't have teeth.
    4. Blue rose instead of yellow rose.
    5. No parchment under the Owl.
    6. Midnight Panther blinks with her eye.
    7. Doors to the right are closed.
    8. Divhagar is standing still.
    9. Scythe doesn't have blade.
    10. Pink sapphire is turquoise/mint.

  5. aribebech
    1.cara de dragon
    2.cola de dragon
    3.flor amarilla
    4.ojos pantera
    5.bajo del buo
    6. piso manchado en la calle color plomo (lado izquierdo arriba)
    7.piso de en la calle color rojo,naranja (lado dragon izq abajo)
    8.corazon pink lado izquierda arriba
    9.color de objeto piedra rosa vs celeste
    10.objeto sin filo solo con madera (no se que se lllamaaa, junto al roson)

  6. 1. Panther blinks with eye
    2. Paper under Owl is missing
    3. Panther head has no teeth
    4. Dragon is spitting fire on the left picture
    5. Scythe has no blade
    6. Right doors are open on the left picture
    7. Yellow rose is blue rose on right picture
    8. Sapphire to the south has different colour (pink/blue)
    9. Frozen heart animation differs
    10. Walking path has a spot

    Nasty Kasper

  7. 1. Pink crystal / blue crystal 2 Midnight Panther sparkle with one eye. 3. panther head doesn't have teeth. 4. Blue rose / yellow rose. 5. No paper under Owl. 6. some spot on the street 7. Right doors are open / closed 8. Dragon is standing still / breathing fire 9. Scythe without blade 10. Frozen heart - no heart

  8. 1.Dragon head, tail, wings.
    3.Pink / blue diamond.
    4. Scroll under owl.
    5.Colour of rose.
    6.Panthere eye shine.
    7.One pathere head without teeht.
    8.North west corner oh house - hearth no hearth.
    Midnigth Knight

  9. 1) Scroll under the owl
    2) Yellow / Blue Rose
    3) Panther's head fangs
    4) Frozen Heart north western part of the house, one has it, the other doesn't
    5) Panther doll's shining eyes
    6) Divhagar's pose
    7) Scythe with / without blade
    8) Giant amethyst color swapped
    9) Right door inside the house, open & closed
    10) Stain on the road outside the house

  10. Below the owl
    Blue rose
    Panther eye
    Panther teeth
    The heart on the corner
    The black spot on the street
    The dragon fire
    The dragon face it has a mask
    Scythe missing
    The amethyst is rose/purpleishh
    Sir wuachachucho

  11. 1. The floor on the street outside the House
    2. The dragon breath
    3. The heart at the lamp
    4. The teeths of the Panther's Head
    5. The Yellow/Blue rose
    6. The Scroll under the Owl
    7. The sparkle on the eye of the Panther Doll
    8. The open/closed door
    9. The scythe
    10. The pink/blue crystal

    Char: Dyaniixz

  12. 1.- The head of the dragon.
    2.- The yellow rose.
    3.- The scythe.
    4.- The heart on the lamp.
    5.- The Parchment under the owl.
    6.- The Geam Pink->Blue.
    7.- The blink of the Panther doll.
    8.- The thing on the wing of the dragon.
    9.- The 2nd door of the second pic is closed.
    10.- The Tusks of the panther head.

  13. 1. Dragón Tail
    2. Schythe
    3. Yellow Rose
    4. Undeath Hearth
    5. Panther Without Tusk
    6. Dragon Blowing Fire
    7. Open Door
    8. panther winking
    9. Giant Amethyst
    10. Street with a stain

    Samuray de carro ;)

  14. 1. Street with a Stain
    2. Panther Tusk
    3. Schythe
    4. Panther Winking
    5. Winning Lottery ticket under Owl
    6. Dragon Throwing Fire
    7. Close Door
    8. Giant Amethyst
    9. Undeath Hearth
    10 Yellow Rose

    Sorry for change :)

    Samuray de carro ;) S2

  15. 1. Giant amethyst, 2. Dragon, 3.undead Hearts,4.door open,5.panther head,6.midnight panther doll,7.parchment,8.
    mark on the floor on the outside,9.rose, 10.scythe..... bebitha consentida

  16. 1. Midnight Panther - eyes
    2. Midnight Panther head - teeth
    3. Yellow rose - colour
    4. Divihagar
    5. Giant Amethyst
    6. Frozen hearth under the lamp
    7. Under Owl - a document
    8. Scythe
    9. Right door
    10. Stain on the road

  17. 1. Midnight Panther - eyes
    2. Yellow rose left picture, right blue
    3. Divihagar on left picture head is different, on right he have normal head
    4. Midnight Panther head - teeth
    5. Pink sapphire on left is turquoise on right picture
    6. Left picture the heart in the decor - colour light, right have only a white light
    7. Under left picture Owl she have a document, on right she dont have
    8. Scythe left and right picture difference
    9. Right door is open in right picture
    10. Stain on the road - left picture

    character: Zimny Czerwony
