Wednesday, October 16, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E44R04


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Monday, October 14, 2024

Player of the Month 51: Mikhelle "Promoting Safety and Mental Health in Our Community"

Attention Tibia players! October is a special month, not only on the calendar but also in the digital world. During this month, we commemorate two key dates that invite us to reflect: October 10, World Mental Health Day, and October 29, International Internet Safety Day. In the vast online universe, where we spend much of our lives, these celebrations hold even greater significance, especially for those of us sharing adventures in a unique environment like Tibia, along with the social networks where the community actively shares goals, wars, battles, and achievements.

October 10, World Mental Health Day, reminds us that mental well-being is as vital as any other facet of life. This year, under the theme "Mental health is a universal human right," the campaign seeks to ensure that everyone, regardless of their situation, has access to quality care. Since its establishment in 1992, the World Health Organization (WHO) has highlighted that one in eight people faces some type of mental health issue. This not only affects people’s daily lives but also their interaction in digital spaces, such as online games.

For us, Tibia players, this day should make us reflect on how our actions within the game impact others. Behind every character, there’s a real person with feelings and challenges. Respect and empathy shouldn’t be confined to real life; they also play an important role in our virtual world.

Now, speaking about October 29, International Internet Safety Day encourages us to create a more positive digital environment where we can all enjoy ourselves without fear of risks. The Insafe network, which organizes this celebration, promotes digital awareness and emotional well-being, especially for young people. It reminds us that, just like in the physical world, online safety is crucial for our mental health.

Looking at our region, we find inspiring examples of how cyberbullying is being combated and mental well-being promoted online. In Mexico, for example, workshops and talks are organized to teach teenagers how to stay safe online and, most importantly, how to identify and confront cyberbullying. Meanwhile, in Argentina, an educational approach fosters solidarity and support among young people, creating spaces where they can share their experiences and feel backed by their community.

Chile also joins this mission, offering interactive activities in schools that promote empathy and respect. Brazil and Venezuela aren’t left behind, hosting events focused on psychological care and cyberbullying prevention, showing how cooperation and awareness can make a difference.

In Tibia, this means we must act responsibly. We know that sometimes the tensions of the game can lead to aggressive or disrespectful attitudes, but we must remember that verbal abuse not only affects the targeted player but also the overall game atmosphere. A toxic environment impacts the guild, the server, and even the community as a whole. Maintaining a healthy atmosphere in the game isn’t just the responsibility of guild or server leaders—it’s up to each of us.

This October, at TibiaGoals, we want to invite you to be a conscious player, someone who makes Tibia a better space for everyone. Here’s a small list of recommendations to help you achieve this—and make it fun!

1. Practice empathy and respect

Behind every avatar is a real person with emotions. Even though Tibia is competitive, don’t forget to treat others with respect. Avoid teasing and hurtful comments. Courtesy not only enriches the community but also strengthens everyone’s mental well-being. Being kind doesn’t subtract achievements—it adds friends!

2. Foster a positive in-game environment

Competition is exciting, but it doesn’t have to turn into toxicity. Support other players, avoid offensive language, and promote constructive interactions. Keeping the game environment free from real-life drama not only improves the experience but also reduces the stress and anxiety that can arise in a hostile setting. A happy server is a strong server!

5. Be aware of the impact of your actions

Your words and actions have more power than you think. Before acting impulsively, consider the effect your words might have. Cyberbullying not only ruins the gaming experience but can also have negative consequences on the mental health of players.

6. Use technology safely

Your digital safety is just as important as your ability to defeat a dragon. Don’t share personal information, protect your accounts with secure passwords and two-factor authentication, and never share your Tibia account! Stay alert for phishing attempts and other scams.

7. Promote mental health

Mental well-being is essential for both you and your fellow players. If you see someone struggling, whether in the game or outside of it, offer support or suggest they seek help. And if Tibia is causing you stress or anxiety, don’t hesitate to take a break. Talk with friends, get some fresh air, and remember that your mental health always comes first.

8. Report harassment

Don’t be a passive bystander. If you witness harassment in the game or on social networks, use Tibia’s tools to report such behavior. Working together with the community and moderators is key to maintaining a safe and violence-free environment. Change begins with small acts of courage!

9. Reflect on your online time

Tibia is incredibly fun, but don’t let it consume you entirely. Spending too much time gaming can affect your mental health. Make sure to take breaks, get outside, and balance your online life with your offline life. Remember, the best adventures also happen in the real world!

10. Support inclusion and diversity

Tibia is a place where people from all over the world, with different backgrounds, abilities, and identities, converge. Promote fairness and equality, creating a safe and welcoming space for everyone, regardless of their nationality, gender identity, or skill level.

We are a global community, a vast group of people, who, though physically separated, are connected through our characters and shared adventures. To close this article, we invite Mikhelle, a player who not only demonstrates her skill in achieving accomplishments but also in her ability to make the world (virtual or real) a kinder and safer place for all:

1. Hi, could you introduce yourself? What’s your name, where are you from, and what do you do? Feel free to share anything you'd like about yourself!

  • Hi! My name is Michelle, I’m from Veracruz (Mexico), and I currently live in the United Arab Emirates. I’m a geophysicist, and I enjoy crafting, traveling, and always learning new things.

2. How long have you been playing Tibia, and what initially attracted you to the game?

  • My Tibia life began around 2004 when we saw a friend playing, and soon after, all of my real-life friends started making characters in what used to be Fortera (now Talera). We had a great time, especially since we were young, and we all played together. The next day at school, we would talk about what we did in Tibia 🤣. I officially stopped playing in 2010. In 2020, during the pandemic, a group of my real-life friends started playing on Solidera and invited me to join. Out of my group of real-life friends, I’m the only one still playing 🥲.

3. Besides Tibia, do you play other games?

  • I tried playing LOL, but I’m terrible at it, and due to region restrictions, I can’t play with my friends in Mexico 😔. I also enjoy console games—my favorites are The Witcher 3, several Assassin’s Creed titles, and Hollow Knight.

4. What inspired you to choose your character's name in Tibia, and does it have any special meaning for you?

  • I didn’t overcomplicate things and just used my real name, but since "Michelle" was taken, I swapped the “c” for a “k,” which is the initial of one of my last names.

5. What server are you currently playing on? 

  • Solidera.

6. As a Royal Paladin, what skills or strategies do you consider essential?

  • When I started playing RP, I had the old-school Tibia mindset of shooting arrows from afar and running. But in reality, RP is the most versatile vocation in the game for me: you can tank, be a shooter, heal (a bit, but those 500 HP UH’s have saved lives 🤣), and you’re the only vocation that can use holy spells. Something essential for surviving as RP is mastering the utamo ring; it completely changes a Paladin's play style.

7. Could you share a memorable experience you’ve had in Tibia, earning addons or achievements?  

  • One of the most exciting memories I have is when we did the Gold Token Final at a very low level. I still remember several in the team saying we "didn’t have the level" and that the bosses were "too difficult," but with good coordination and communication, we managed to do it with a team of level 300+- who had never done the boss before 🫶🏻.  Another moment that really excited me was when I bought my book mount, and several friends joined me to tame it. It’s my favorite mount, and not only because it’s beautiful, but also because so many friends wanted to join me on the journey to where the book spawns.

8. Have you witnessed or experienced cyberbullying in Tibia or on social networks? If so, how did you handle it at the time?

  • I’ve reacted differently depending on the stage of life I was in. When I was younger, I was afraid or embarrassed to confront people, and having someone harass me caused a lot of anxiety. These are situations that, nowadays, would be easy for me to just block and move on.

9. Do you participate in in-game activities or events? Which ones have been the most fun or challenging?

  • Yes, I’ve been trying to stay very active in TibiaGoals Riddles because they are not only entertaining but also quick to complete now that I’m busy. I also enjoyed making a flower bouquet in 2022 for a contest by TibiaMagazine and ElPodcastTibiano. We had to use recycled materials, and I remember spending weeks making each flower look as realistic as possible. It was difficult and time-consuming, but I enjoyed it a lot because I love giving things a second life.

10. From your perspective, what aspects of the Tibia community should improve to promote a safer and more respectful environment among players?

  • I’ve always believed that people treat you the way you allow them to. Sometimes we think being a good person means violating our own boundaries to be liked, make friends, or for some out of convenience, and eventually, people take advantage of that. I think, like in everything, there are good people with values and others with bad intentions. That’s why there should be harsher penalties in the game, as sadly, some people only respect rules when there are consequences.

11. How do you balance your time between playing Tibia and your other responsibilities or passions in daily life?

  • The key to long-term gaming is understanding that there will be times in life when you can dedicate a lot of time to it and other times when you won’t be able to at all, and being at peace with that. During the pandemic, I spent too many hours in the game because I had nothing else to do. As I’ve gained more responsibilities, the time I spend in Tibia has reduced drastically. The good thing about Tibia is that it has so much content that for those of us who are “char lovers,” it keeps us from getting bored of the game. For example, when I had more free time, I enjoyed leveling up a lot, and as my time decreased, I started focusing on achievements and advancing my Bosstiary. Everyone can progress at their own pace, bit by bit, with patience.

12. How has digitalization influenced your daily life and personal relationships?

  • Living far from my country and family, digitalization has had a positive impact, allowing me to stay in touch with people across the world. Especially during the pandemic, having Tibia was not only a source of entertainment but the best way to spend quality time with my friends and sisters. Also, since I’m very introverted, the physical distance barrier helps me make friends at my own pace.

13. What’s your opinion on the importance of mental health, and how do you think it can be promoted in daily life?

  • In my personal view, as humans, we’ve become distanced from one another, and mental health should be cared for collectively. We’re not programmed to spend so many hours in front of a computer without real-life interactions. I also think it’s good to analyze whether what’s causing a deterioration in our mental health is related to the game or real life. Now with social media, it’s very easy to compare ourselves to others who are only showing small parts of their lives. It’s the same in the game—thinking someone is better than you because they have "x" amount of items or level or addons. It’s very important not to compare your progress with that of others.  Another tip is not to invest so much time in Tibia. I remember during the pandemic, I’d do my two-hour hunts, then bosses, then a quest… The game isn’t going anywhere, but the time we spend on it is gone and doesn’t come back. Spend time with the people you love, and look for connections outside the game.

14. What strategies do you use to take care of your mental health in such a digitally connected world?

  • Spending time outdoors is very important to me. Disconnecting, putting my phone away, and meditating. If we don’t take care of our mental health, we run the risk of being consumed by the game and the problems that stem from it.

15. Were you aware of World Mental Health Day on October 10 and International Internet Safety Day on October 29? What’s your opinion on the importance of these days in the context of online gaming?

  • I didn’t know about October 29, but I’m glad to hear about it! I think both are connected, and especially when we think about games like Tibia (MMORPG), there should be more platforms where people can share their experiences and propose ideas for improving the community.

Let’s celebrate together on October 10 and 29, not just with words but with actions. Show respect, support those around you, and remember that even small actions can contribute to a healthier environment for everyone. 

Thank you for reading 🙂  

Hail TibiaGoals!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E44R03


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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E44R02


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Sunday, October 6, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E44R01


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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E43R10


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Sunday, September 29, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E43R09


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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E43R08


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Sunday, September 22, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E43R07


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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E43R06


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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Player of the Month #50: Three Nations, One Spirit: National Holiday Celebrations

At TibiaGoals, we are proud to celebrate the 50th edition of our Player of the Month series by diving into how Brazil, Mexico, and Chile honor their traditions. 

Though geographically distant, these nations share a profound connection during September—a month that holds significant national celebrations, steeped in history and pride. Brazil commemorates its "Dia da Independência" on September 7, Mexico marks the "Grito de Independencia" on September 15, and Chile honors its "Dieciocho" on September 18. 

These national holidays don't just fill the streets and plazas with joy and festivity; they also influence the experiences of Tibia players from these regions. This month, we aim to highlight how these celebrations shape the way players engage with the game and with each other.

For over two decades, Tibia has acted as a bridge, bringing together individuals from all corners of the globe and fostering connections that transcend age, language, and culture. Within this virtual world, players do more than simply immerse themselves in a game—they bring with them their personal stories, their cultural backgrounds, and their unique perspectives. Based on both official and player-collected data, we’ve gained insights into the global distribution of Tibia players, which emphasizes the diversity that has enriched this community for over 20 years.

Brazil shines as the largest and most influential community within the game, comprising 45% to 50% of the total player base. Its impact on the Tibian world is unmatched. Following closely is Poland, home to around 20% of players, affirming its prominent role in the game's ecosystem. Meanwhile, other nations such as the United States, Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands have also formed strong communities, further underscoring Tibia's global reach. The Spanish-speaking world has carved out a significant presence as well, with players from Argentina, Bolivia, Spain, Venezuela, and Colombia actively contributing to the game’s vibrant atmosphere. Mexico and Chile, though representing a smaller share of the player base, remain vital parts of this ecosystem. Mexico, with 10% to 15% of the community, is comparable to Argentina and Spain in size, while Chile, representing 2% to 8% of players, maintains a lively and engaged presence despite its smaller numbers.

As September rolls in, the sense of national pride in these three countries becomes palpable, and it naturally extends into the Tibian community. Despite being thousands of kilometers apart, Brazil, Mexico, and Chile share a cultural and festive spirit that bridges not only physical borders but also digital ones. For the players, these celebrations serve as a reminder that Tibia is much more than just a game; it is a space where cultures come alive and friendships transcend boundaries, connecting the richness of their traditions with the shared love for this immersive virtual world.

To mark this special month, we’ve invited players from these nations and beyond to share how they celebrate their national holidays and how those traditions shape their experiences in Tibia. Through this, we continue to explore and celebrate the incredible diversity that makes our community thrive.

Brazil - Independence Day - September 7 

Mexico - El Grito de Independencia - September 15

Chile - El Dieciocho - September 18

At TibiaGoals, we highlight the talent of each of our players and honor these festivities with growing support for each country. 

Let the celebrations continue inside and outside the game! 

Long live Brazil, Mexico, Chile, and TibiaGoals!

TibiaGoals Riddles E43R05


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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E43R04


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Sunday, September 8, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E43R03

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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E43R02


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Sunday, September 1, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E43R01


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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E42R10

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Sunday, August 25, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E42R09

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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E42R08

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Sunday, August 18, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E42R07

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Wednesday, August 14, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E42R06


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Sunday, August 11, 2024

TibiaGoals Riddles E42R05

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