Sunday, November 29, 2020

How to change your mouse cursor in Tibia?

Have you ever lost your mouse cursor on the screen? Changing it into a bigger and brighter one might improve your gaming experience a lot.

How to do it?

Follow the steps below:

1. Google a page with free mouse cursors
We like using this page
You will find a lot of custom cursors here. It depends on you which one you'll get but we highly recommend you typing in tags such as "big", "neon", "animated" or "bright" in the search bar. Those cursors will make it impossible for you to miss on your screen.

2. Pick your cursor and download it.

3. Look for a folder called "cursors" on your pc.
It will most likely be located on your disc C/windows/cursors

4. Paste the downloaded file into the folder and unzip it.

5. Go to your mouse settings and pick your cursor
Simply type "mouse" in your windows search bar to get to your mouse settings. To change the cursor, double click on the "normal/standard" choice and pick the downloaded cursor from the list. 

This is how we have changed your cursor for the entire windows.
In order for you to have the same cursor in Tibia, there is one more step to do.

Important: Your cursor will have to remain like this for your entire computer and there is no possibility of changing it for Tibia only unless you change your mouse settings every time you enter the game!

6. Open your Tibia settings 
Go to "Interface" and tick "Use Native Mouse Cursor"
TIP: If it's not working, ALSO tick "Show Animated Mouse Cursor" 


Do you want more tutorials like this? Let us know in the comments section below <3


  1. Yes, more tutorials, please! I really enjoy every tutorial you make. They are very helpful. I already took help from your tutorials not only for Tibia but also for other things like real life etc. Thanks!

  2. The thing is, "show animated mouse cursor" show a hand cursor and you cant change the hand to another one.
